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Leave a comment here about your favorite films noir for the Out of the Past community. Whether you are a long-time fan or just discovering the great films of the noir tradition, browse through these comments to get viewing suggestions based on what listeners to Out of the Past recommend. These comments create a great crowd-sourced list of film noir titles. 

Category:Movies -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

  • I'd love to see discussions on Nightmare Alley and The Seventh Victim; also some of my favorite B noirs, Follow Me Quietly, The Tattooed Stranger, and The Gangster (1947,with Barry Sullivan).

    posted by: on 2015-06-03 21:54:30

  • I came late to this wonderful site after a feature on Australia's Radio National. Having just finished teaching "Blade Runner" I was interested in your podcast on that neo-noir, but would love to hear you investigate Andrew Nicol's use of film noir in "GATTACA". My quirky faves to add to your list would be two noir remakes (well, the first is a remake and the second an homage): The Deep End (2001: 'remaking' Max Ophüls' 1949 film "The Reckless Moment") La Señal ("The Signal", a 2007 Argentine film written by Eduardo Mignogna and directed by Ricardo Darín)

    posted by: Jonathan Scobie on 2012-04-03 05:46:09

  • Great podcasts! I would appreciate the following shows on: - Raging Bull - Saboteur (neglected Noir) - Why Casablanca is (or is not) Noir

    posted by: Rich on 2011-03-19 14:42:50

  • engaging series, but sparse on british films. suggestions: david lean's versions of oliver twist or great expectations; carol reed's odd man out.

    posted by: ezekial on 2011-02-27 19:10:05

  • Hi Guys, I've just chanced upon your interesting site, and as its late here I don't have time to see whether you've discussed the following favourite noirs of mine: They Live By Night Raw Deal Detour Reckless Moment Tension Where Danger Lives Gun Crazy Night Moves Kill Me Again (colour) The Kill-Off (do.) Serie Noire (French Jim Thompson adaptation) and some favourites from the recent Columbia Noir sets: Pushover The Brothers Rico Nightfall Murder by Contract The Sniper Cheers

    posted by: JimNoir on 2010-11-08 03:54:55

  • Hi guys! Just stumbled upon your podcast and love it! Great work. Keep it up. I wouldn\'t worry about the technical tips everyone seems to offer here. People think podcasting is easy. It\'s not. I know. I do one too. As for film suggestions, what about Hitchcock\'s Shadow of a Doubt? To me, that\'s the closest Hitch gets to noir both in script and visual style. Vertigo might be a suggestion too, even though it\'s not strictly a noir film.

    posted by: Mike DeJong on 2010-03-09 17:55:00

  • Hi, I just found your site and the podcasts. Will be burning a bunch of them to enjoy in the car. My request, since I am a huge Robert Mitchum fan, is a podcast on The Big Steal. Thanks so much!

    posted by: drdavis on 2010-03-16 22:06:00

  • Guys-- I am about 23 chapters in--and loving it. I could nitpick, but overall a sublime job. I\'ll put specific remarks on the comments for the particular podcast--here I will stick to suggestions. A few of my favorites are Sorry Wrong Number, Criss Cross, and Brute Force. You could link them via Burt Lancaster, or just take them individually. They Live By Night, Kansas City Confidential, Side Street--just a few more to consider. How about some noir Westerns, like Winchester 77, Johnny Guitar, or The Furies. You\'ve hit on some great neo-noirs, but how about The Hot Spot, Basic Instinct, or Memento? Blue Tiger is a fascinating film, one with a woman as noir protagonist. Hope you guys are not losing steam with the series--there is really nothing else like it--except going back to get another a doctorate, this time in Film Studies! Harvey Canter Rabid Fan

    posted by: The Dingus on 2010-04-02 03:30:00

  • May I suggest \"Farewell My Lovely\" with Robert Mitchum and Charlotte Rampling. This is an underappreciated noir which I think is better than the Dick Powell version Murder My Sweet.

    posted by: Garry on 2010-06-03 17:39:00

  • Huge, huge fan of your podcast. Have returned to previous episodes various times to re-listen. Wish I had money to donate! Suggestion: perhaps an episode that serves to examine a compilation of films that share some aspects of neo-noir but may not be entirely admissable to the canon? Something about Carpenter\'s \"Escape From New York\" has always struck me as noirish.

    posted by: Phil on 2009-12-26 00:30:00

  • Some of the above listed are great movies. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    posted by: Violet on 2010-03-06 17:04:00

  • I would like to suggest The Long Goodbye as a title to consider. Joel Greenberg Toronto

    posted by: joel Greenberg on 2009-10-31 23:34:00

  • Dear C & E, Firstly, welcome back! Secondly, I`ve just seen a trailer for the upcoming film, \"The Missing Person\" co-starring Amy Ryan (who was amazing in neo-noir, \"Gone Baby Gone\"). This one looks more `noir-styled` but intriguing nonetheless. \"Out Of The Past\" has done contemporary before and encouraging people to go and see NEW noir movies should be part of your/our remit, yes? Best wishes, N H Twine

    posted by: N H Twine on 2009-11-14 05:32:00

  • Hiya, great podcast! I discovered you guys via the Wikipedia entry for Brick, which I really enjoyed - and even more so after hearing your analysis of it. I just checked out your Batman Begins podcast, I would love to hear your thoughts on Christopher Nolan\\\'s films, as he is my favourite director. Keep up the great work. nabeel

    posted by: nabeel on 2009-12-19 06:43:00

  • Dig the podcasts. Add my vote for L.A. CONFIDENTIAL MILDRED PIERCE SHADOW OF A DOUBT

    posted by: K Ashman on 2009-10-07 00:28:00

  • Suggested: \"The Perfect Sleep\" (2009) Highly self-aware neo-noir. I\'d be interested in your take on it. Comments: Less over-pronounced French words, please.

    posted by: LMH on 2009-10-08 22:28:00

  • Love this podcast! Could you guys please do an episode on the best neo-noir film out there - \'Memento\'?

    posted by: Sharon on 2009-10-14 23:35:00

  • Great stuff. I highly recommend the 70\'s sleeper, \"Cutter\'s Way.\" It\'s very much a noir, although I don\'t know if its been considered in the canon (cannon??) yet...

    posted by: Jonathan Berman on 2009-10-27 21:04:00

  • I think it would be a great addition to your podcast if you analyzed a foreign neo-noir by the name of \'Zift\': It\'s a very quirky noir obviously influenced by pictures as \'Gilda\', \'Night and the city\" and \"D.O.A\". Look it up if you haven\'t heard of it already. It is widely available with English subs on the net.

    posted by: Velislav Ivanov on 2009-09-05 13:01:00

  • \"Zift\" was reviewed on page 14 of the Jul/Aug 2009 edition of `The Noir City Sentinel` under the headline, \"New Bulgarian Film Mines Classic Noir\". The review makes it sound like a pastiche-cum-collage rather than a neo-noir but if it`s widely available on the net I might give it a go.

    posted by: N H Twine on 2009-09-09 05:00:00

  • I\'m curious why you haven\'t done \"True Cofessions\" with Duvall and DeNiro. It\'s a great film and I would love to hear your views on it. Great job on the Podcasts.

    posted by: Vic on 2009-09-25 11:44:00

  • please do, Jean Gabin in Moonlight, Clash By Night, The Narrow Margin and Dillinger!

    posted by: Tim Evans on 2009-08-07 08:20:00

  • Dear Mr. Clute and Mr. Edwards, There is not one single day since last autumn, when I discovered your marvellous podcasts on itunes, that I did not listen to one of your talks. It´s the best thing ever happened about film on the internet, absolutely brilliant. Although I am a conductor, I studied film at CalArts (with Alexander Macandrick in the Eighties) and I am certainly nuts about Film Noir. I think you help much in predicting and even recreating a wave of Neo-Noir in America. It\'s certainly most fascinating to see and to compare the surroundings and conditions of the 1940\'s and 50\' and the amazing talent which went into it. and our times. Again there are young directors around, who are sensitive and talented and who can lead the way to a new wave of great cinema. I would certainly love you to continue your podcasts, if anyhow possible. I think it has become an important institution for many friends and fans of American cinema. Most interested I would certainly be in your comments about films like L.A. Confidential, Mystery Street, Lady in the Lake, Tension, Side Street, The Night of the Hunter, A Double Life, His kind of woman, etc. Please continue. I miss you very much. All my best wishes Volker Hartung (www.

    posted by: Volker Hartung on 2009-08-22 07:55:00

  • Welcome back! I have missed listening to you both on my MP3 player as I tramp the footpaths of Herefordshire, England. Last week the BBC had a Film Noir weekend beginninng with a documentary \'The Rules of Film Noir\' presented by Matthew Sweet. This was an interesting and informative programme. Six films were then screened, two of which you haven\'t reviewed namely \'The Big Combo\' and the early \'Stranger on the Third Floor\'. I suggest these as movies for discussion, particulalry the latter which, I believe, is rarely screened. Thank you.

    posted by: Jacqueline on 2009-08-27 01:24:00

  • Dear Mark, Edward G is such a lost soul in \"Scarlet St.\". I much prefer him in \"Double Indemnity\" (which, by the by, was Clute & Edwards` 2nd podcast - downloadable (I believe) from this very site. Welcome aboard, NHT

    posted by: N H Twine on 2008-12-01 11:06:00

  • Love the podcasts. Here\'s a few more: Woman in the Window Asphalt Jungle Call Northside 777 House on 92nd Street on the neo-noir front, Devil in a Blue Dress & Man Who Knew Too Much & Double Indemnity, of course

    posted by: Steve Jones on 2009-03-04 16:23:00

  • Just found your sow and really enjoy it. I recently wrote a screenplay \\\"The Murderer Among Us\\\" about Fritz Lang and the making of \\\"M\\\". It was on the industry Blacklist for best screenplays. I would love to hear a show on Fritz Lang\\\'s \\\"M\\\". It is considered by some to be one of the earliest Noirs. Thank you.

    posted by: Lori Gambino on 2009-06-02 17:23:00

  • Guys, outstanding work. I\'m a film student at a leading film school in Australia and when I\'m on summer break, your podcasts give me the fix I need. Your shows are stimulating, engaging and just a simple joy to listen to. My suggestion for a film I would love to hear you guys chat about would be John Dahl\'s film RED ROCK WEST. I hope to hear it and wish you guys all the best for the future shows. Dynamite stuff.

    posted by: Shaun Crawford on 2008-10-17 01:21:00

  • Fritz Lang\\\\\\\'s \\\\\\\"M\\\\\\\" would be the one I would like to see an analysis on. Did Lang invent noir and did \\\\\\\"M\\\\\\\" lay the groundwork for noirs to come?

    posted by: Wyatt K on 2008-11-13 14:03:00

  • I just found your podcast today and have enjoyed a couple show already. I haven\'t read through all the reader suggestions here (there are currently 159 on this topic) but I would love to hear your comments on The Big Combo. A later noir and one of the grittiest. Since it features some of John Alton\'s best work, I think it would be worthy of discussion. Thanks again for the great podcast.

    posted by: Mark on 2008-11-26 18:59:00

  • Another suggestion would be Fritz Langs Scarlet Street. Also, don\'t see you discussion of Double Indemnity? Where is that located? I would love to hear that one.

    posted by: Mark on 2008-11-26 19:08:00

  • Great stuff guys - I really enjoy your Podcasts. How about \'The House on 92nd Street\'. I think there are some very interesting aspects to the making of this film?

    posted by: Chris George on 2008-09-01 04:01:00

  • Hi, Thanks for the podcasts .. great stuff. Like to add a vote for \'Dark City\' (1950).

    posted by: Mark Marziale on 2008-09-21 17:10:00

  • Great podcast. I would like to hear you analyze: Sudden Fear - great ending The File On Thelma Jordan - I downloaded for free legally. Another great performance from Stanwyck. The Letter - The jungle setting is apt, but unusual for film noir. Vertigo - I think this is the pinnacle of film noir but in color. Thanks again for your podcast. BT

    posted by: BT on 2008-09-26 03:07:00

  • Wow! I saw \"The Dark Knight\" this weekend and I finally listened, to your \"Batman Begin\'s\" podcast where I think you correctly picked up on the \"dark\" film noir elements director Nolan worked in while putting in action and fantasy elements to please the studio. Well, Nolan appears to have gotten carte blanche for \"The Dark Knight\" and has gone dark, gritty, and choatic in the best sense of those words. Exploring good and evil duality through both the Joker (Heath Ledger\'s performance is for the ages) and Harvey Dent/Two Face (Aaron Eckhart holds the screen tremedously). As you noted in the podcast for the earlier film Nolan goes past film noir all the way back to Lang and in \"The Dark Knight\" I think he was channeling Mabuse for both the Joker a master criminal like Mabuse more interested in the power and chaos of crime than wealth and even with Bruce Wayne/Batman channeling Lang\'s swan song \"The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse\". All that was my lead in to ask that you do podcast on \"The Dark Knight\" as soon as possible. Also, a look at Lang\'s influence on Film Noir maybe through an examination of \"Dr. Mabuse\". I really like Conte in \"Thieves Highway\" which I saw on the Criterion DVD a couple of years ago. I really enjoyed your podcast on the film, especially the insight into the differences between the endings of the film and the original story. After seeing \"The Ice Harvest\" on your podcast list, I took that as a recommendation and watched it on DVD before listening to your insightful comments. I can\'t think of anything else to request, expcept to ask that you keep up this great entertaining and eductional work. Thanks!

    posted by: Ralph Coviello on 2008-07-20 20:21:00

  • Many of the films that I\'ve always thought of as classic Noir have already been covered, so what I\'d particularly love to hear about next is the influences displayed in some modern classics, and some older movies that I never thought of before as noirs: L.A. Confidential The Usual Suspects Memento Vertigo Key Largo wonderful site/podcast

    posted by: Rambler on 2008-07-30 13:36:00

  • Well, I\'ve seen a few films noir recently that had always passed me by and I really recommend them: The Man who Cheated Himself Night Editor Too Late for Tears

    posted by: Paolo Cabrelli on 2008-08-21 14:11:00

  • Saw 2 films recently that I\'d love to hear you discuss: Blast of Silence, an indie production coming late in the classic cycle, and Street Kings, a recent and grossly overlooked film about corrupt cops penned by James Ellroy. Love the show! Thank you!

    posted by: Angora Fedora on 2008-08-28 14:47:00

  • Is your Podcast limited to US Noirs only? If that\'s not the case I would love to hear an episode on Ascenseur pour l\'échafaud (Elevator to the Gallows).

    posted by: Peter Schneider on 2008-06-30 07:38:00

  • I know that Halloween is a couple of months out... but hearing your take on the 80\'s horror/comedy/noir B-flick Night of the Creeps would be a lot of fun... the only problem is the film is not on DVD... oh and if you listen closely you can hear Stan Ridgway\'s The Big Heat playing in the background... have you guys ever thought about trying to interview him?

    posted by: iren on 2008-06-30 11:23:00

  • I did not read all the comments, so apologise if I repeat a suggestion with my own. I offer it not as an outstanding example of the genre, but as a flawed attempt; if we are to understand the best, it is instructive to dissect the mistakes. The piece that I suggest has wobbling tone and odd casting, but does hit some of the right buttons; I offer PAYBACK, with Mel Gibson.

    posted by: Eric [Bingorage] on 2008-07-05 20:21:00

  • Please consider investigating: Lucky Number Slevin (seriously) The Last Seduction and I agree with the earlier mentioned-- L.A. Confidential and The Player

    posted by: tracy on 2008-05-06 02:40:00

  • High and Low (Kurosawa) Stray Dog (Kurosawa) L.A. Confidential The Stranger (Welles) M Where the sidewalk Ends Kansas City Confidential I wake up Screaming Minority Report Just some ideas. Great show. Thanks.

    posted by: Harry Lime on 2008-06-18 23:51:00

  • I nominate a very little known movie from the 70\\\'s: Hustle with Bur Reynolds and Catherine Deveuve. A forgotten classic that is film noir all the way.

    posted by: DeNNIS BEDARD on 2008-06-21 10:08:00

  • I\'d love to hear your take on: 1. Road to Perdition 2. No Country for Old Men

    posted by: Bil Stachour on 2008-03-16 23:48:00

  • Hey guys, I have really been enjoyed the podcast. You cover a good range of films, and have provided some new ways for me to look at some of my favorites. I would like to see you cover these films 1. The Thin Man 2. M 3. Night & The City (Original) Thanks Justin

    posted by: Justin on 2008-03-19 19:14:00

  • I\\\'d love to hear about BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA and PULP FICTION. Keep up the good work and 30 minutes seem to go by so fast with your podcasts!

    posted by: Baris on 2008-04-06 16:29:00

  • I think it\'s time for a Richard Widmark tribute episode. You could cover PANIC IN THE STREETS, KISS OF DEATH, THE STREET WITH NO NAME and NO WAY OUT. And, of course, NIGHT AND THE CITY, but that one requires an episode to itself, in my opinion. Thank you for the great podcasting.

    posted by: Katherine on 2008-04-08 01:38:00

  • Dear Clute & Edwards, I think it`s time for a NOIR WESTERN. My choice would be for \"Yellow Sky\" but perhaps it should be \"The Pursued\" so that Mr. Mitchum can redeem himself for the god-awful rubbish that was, \"His Kind of Woman\". Regards, N H Twine

    posted by: N H Twine on 2008-02-23 11:33:00

  • I\'d like to add to the voting for future films: 1. Ride the Pink Horse 2. Vertigo

    posted by: DerikB on 2008-03-08 11:58:00

  • I\'d be very interested to hear your thoughts & observations on the new Coen flick - No Country for old Men.

    posted by: Phil on 2008-03-10 13:46:00

  • I really enjoy Spanish and Argetinian movies. I would recomed \"Hable con ella\", \"Carne tremula\", “Mal Education? and \"Tacones lejanos\" (all directed by Pedro Almoldovar), \"Amores perros\" (forgot the director) \"Abre los Ojos\" and \"Mar adentro\" (by Alejandro Amenabar) and many other… OHHH! And I recently saw the romanian movie who got the “Palme D’or? at Cannes Festival. It’s called “4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days?. Great movie. After seeing this movie, I decided I want to know better romanian cinematography.

    posted by: costa rica information on 2008-01-12 16:42:00

  • Gone Baby Gone. Ben Affleck definitely redeems himself with this one.

    posted by: Bruise on 2008-01-31 18:06:00

  • more films to consider: Mulholland Drive Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence The Big Heat Branded to Kill Odd Man Out thanks.

    posted by: Bruise on 2008-01-31 18:11:00

  • Thought you\\\'d like to know, the company at least partially behind the recent \\\"Love in the Time of Cholera\\\" has a remake in the works of \\\"Rififi\\\" with I believe Al Pacino starring. Maybe out later this year, I\\\'m not sure of the date but a chance for you to do a remake comparison episode.

    posted by: darryl S on 2008-01-01 15:22:00

  • Vertigo. Maybe the best detective movie of them all....?

    posted by: Paolo on 2008-01-07 08:17:00

  • I just starting listening to your podcasts and I think they\\\'re great. I own many of the movies you have already reviewed and I find my self re-watching them all to pick up on details I missed before. A couple of my favorite movies of recent release have been been \\\"The Lookout\\\" and \\\"You Kill Me.\\\" Please consider reviewing any of these great flicks. Thanks again for the great podcasts.

    posted by: Jae on 2008-01-11 13:40:00

  • I can\'t imagine any fan of film not enjoying your podcast! Even if I have seen a film 5 or 6 times you guys always make me see things I would have never seen nor thought to look for. Thanks. Noir Films I would like to see reviewed: -Inferno -Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (Not quite Noir) -Leave Her To Heaven

    posted by: Chaz Smith on 2007-11-29 15:33:00

  • I\'d like to second (third?) : Odds Against Tomorrow In A Lonely Place Panic In The Streets Born To Kill Love the show!

    posted by: Kerry Maxwell on 2007-12-06 18:49:00

  • Why did the directors run out of ideas?

    posted by: blog despre seo on 2007-12-31 07:35:00

  • Just found your site. Looks amazing! Listened to your review of Double Indemnity. Please review The Player.

    posted by: Lisa Bell on 2007-11-20 23:27:00

  • I love your show. I listen from Melbourne Australia. some future suggestions for subjects for shows: Blood Simple Night and The City (Jessica Lange and Robert Deniro - could this be viewed as noir in your eyes?) The Red Circle (Melville) Vertigo (could you view this through noir?) Irreversible (Gaspar Noe dir. - this is a stretch, but could it be a noir? Unlikely but fascinating to hold the template against it)

    posted by: Samuel on 2007-11-21 23:57:00

  • I\'d love to here one on Brick, which I just watched last night.

    posted by: DerikB on 2007-11-25 11:11:00

  • Love the podcast. Wouldn\'t miss it! Some I\'d like to see in the future: On Dangerous Ground Odds Against Tomorrow In a Lonely Place Panic in the Streets The Dark Corner Where the Sidewalk Ends Woman in the Window/Scarlet Street (as a comparison) The Reckless Moment/Caught (if you think they qualify-- I do!) Force of Evil Cat People Keep up the great work. NoirGirl

    posted by: NoirGirl on 2007-10-16 17:36:00

  • I want to chime in with all the people who\'ve already suggested Night and the City, and second Ivar Knutsen on Kiss of Death. I\'d also love to hear a Fritz Lang overview.

    posted by: Agnes Hourglass on 2007-10-30 11:46:00

  • Now that \'Ace in the Hole\' is available on Criterion DVD, I\'d love to hear you guys do a show on that great movie.

    posted by: Chris Bennett on 2007-09-04 17:51:00

  • For Neo Noir SciFi - Dark City, Blade Runner (new version coming out in December) For Classic Noir: Tension Strangers on a Train Railroaded Nightmare Alley This Gun for Hire The Sniper

    posted by: Shannon in Dark Corner on 2007-09-05 11:37:00

  • Love the podcast! I\\\'d especially like to see you discussing memento, which i think re-invents noir in so many wonderful ways and is for me perhaps the finest example of the genre in modern times. Christopher nolan\\\'s first film, following, is also a terrific little noir that\\\'s worth analysis but perhaps not known widely enough for your audience. The usual suspects, fight club and fargo would be great too. I\\\'d also really like to see more foreign movies covered - anything by fritz lang would be cool, maybe das testament des dr mabuse? And maybe some jean pierre melville, perhaps le samourai or bob le flambeur. Keep up the great work!

    posted by: Dave D on 2007-09-23 18:33:00

  • Love this podcast and your insights into themes and stylistic devices and imagery to look for etc. I come to a lot of these from the novels and I know there are slightly different elements to noir fiction as opposed to film, but I\'m very interested to see how Mildred Pierce translates into a noir film because the novel reminds me more of victorian lit with its story of a woman gaining independence much like Jane Eyre--anyway, not much at all in the way of noir I\'ve read or seen. In the same vein an incredible novel is They Shoot Horses Don\'t They? by Horace McCoy and I\'d be interested if you consider its existential themes and symbolism translated into a noirish film or no. Other than those, I have to agree with most of the films suggested, Memento, Insomnia, Dark City, Sin City, Kiss Kiss...,Usual Suspects, Citizen Kane, Angel Heart, This Gun for Hire. Keep up the excellent work and I also think you should consider extending your show 15 20 minutes and getting more in depth. darryl

    posted by: Darryl S on 2007-08-04 23:47:00

  • Your podcasts are fascinating. The 30 minute time frame is just right. I\'d love to hear you guys discuss the following: Ace in the Hole Clash By Night Detective Story A Double Life In A Lonely Place Leave Her to Heaven The Night of the Hunter Pursued

    posted by: wormie on 2007-09-03 15:25:00

  • I\\\'d love to hear your take on ANGEL HEART(\\\'87), one of my favorite films noir - neo or otherwise. Thank you so much for your podcasts, please keep up the good work.

    posted by: Justin Frank on 2007-07-17 02:30:00

  • Thank you for making this podcast so well-researched, informative and fun! I\'d love to recommend a few films for future podcasts, in order of preference: L.A. CONFIDENTIAL MEMENTO THE PRESTIGE BRICK VERTIGO USUAL SUSPECTS KISS KSIS BANG BANG FOLLOWING Along with those familiar titles, I\'d love to recommend a few different angles, such as other genres tinged with noir thematics (e.g. Westerns such as High Noon), the pre-history of noir (German expressionism like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) or perhaps even an episode of a TV show informed by noir (like Veronica Mars). Thanks for the great work, it\'s always a pleasure to listen!

    posted by: Danteknave on 2007-07-19 02:52:00

  • How about looking the Noir precursors the most significant of which is \\\"M\\\". Also, how about F.W. Murnau\\\'s Sunrise. I would also like to see Cat People Reviewed. Gilda would certainly be fantastic as well.

    posted by: Wyatt Kopp on 2007-07-19 14:48:00

  • I just picked up Warner Brothers Film Noir Vol. 4 and that has got to be the best in the Warner noir box sets. I had not seen any of the noirs featured, but I can tell you right now this is a cut above anything they have released so far and I hope you review some of the films in this box set.

    posted by: Wyatt K on 2007-07-31 17:30:00

  • wonderful podcast. i have been waiting to hear you talk about \\\'body heat\\\' - just do it!

    posted by: susan on 2007-06-06 12:54:00

  • Podcasts on Brick and Sin City would be great. You could talk about how these neo-noir films are modernized, yet stay faithful to the original noir conventions. I did such a project in English class in school.

    posted by: Graham on 2007-06-12 23:07:00

  • Love the show guys and would love to hear your thoughts about the following films: 1. The Amazing Mr. X 2. Criss Cross 3. Without Warning! 4. Moonrise 5. Or, maybe a noir western like Pursued

    posted by: Keith on 2007-06-13 17:22:00

  • But for the choppy editing this would be a top-notch color \"film noir\". Its socio-political message couldn\'t be clearer or more to the point. Some \"important\" people are so convinced that whatever they do is right, that their conduct amounts to group sociopathy. The crime story is interesting as it supports this theme, but the ultimate \"solution\" should not be too much of a surprise.

    posted by: kitchen islands on 2007-06-04 05:08:00

  • I\\\'ve really enjoyed your podcast for the past year. I find your podcasts have a lot of replay value. I will put in a vote for \\\'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?\\\' You are such smart, interesting guys, I look forward to see what movies you introduce me to next!

    posted by: Sarah on 2007-06-05 11:10:00

  • Please consider an episode on Fuller\\\'s Shock Corridor. Yes, it\\\'s a mess of a film but very reflective of 50s paranoia. I enjoy your podcasts a lot.

    posted by: MBW on 2007-05-17 20:53:00

  • How about some French noir, such as: Alphaville Le Samourai Le Cercle Rouge Bob le Flambeur Diabolique etc. Big fan. Big fans. Keep up the good work. Bang. Bang.

    posted by: Blare on 2007-05-22 21:23:00

  • Sweet Smell of Success Nightmare Alley Mildred Pierce Dark Passage Neo-Noir: Body Language (Berenger & Travis)(underrated!)

    posted by: donovan on 2007-05-30 20:57:00

  • I would like to cast a vote for, \\\"Twilight\\\" (1998) which starred, Paul Newman, Susan Sarandon, Gene Hackman and James Garner. I saw it again recently after many years and (having been following your podcast series) saw much in it that I had missed before.

    posted by: Student Art on 2007-06-01 06:25:00

  • The Last Seduction - This film is incredible. A Simple Plan - I found this film to be really depressing. But it\\\'s well done and very powerful and I figure it\\\'s gotta be neo-noir.

    posted by: Cappy Benton on 2007-05-06 08:59:00

  • LA Confidential The Long Goodbye by Robert Altman The Big Combo

    posted by: Cappy Benton on 2007-05-06 09:27:00

  • In a Lonely Place Angel Face The Big Heat Vertigo Sweet Smell of Success Criss Cross Gilda Citizen Kane The Narrow Margin Leave Her to Heaven Night and the City Memento White Heat I guess a couple of those aren\'t pure noir arguably, but would make for interesting discussion in relation to noir at least. Thanks for the great podcasts!

    posted by: jp on 2007-05-13 04:00:00

  • I just discovered your show and I\\\'m loving it. Obviously there are a lot of great films you haven\\\'t gotten to yet. Since many of them have already been mentioned here, I\\\'d like to point to a neglected subgenre of neo-noir: the African American Noir trend of the 1990\\\'s. This cycle of films is dominated by the works of Bill Duke and Carl Franklin but also bleeds into the \\\"gangsta\\\" genre. \\\"Devil in a Blue Dress\\\" is a particularly good film that never found a wide audience. The social and economic constraints that come with being African American enrich the plight of the noir protagonist and open the genre up for further social/political commentary. It\\\'s a subgenre I\\\'ve only recently discovered, and unfortunately there\\\'s very little written about it. Thanks for the great show!

    posted by: Jim Wilson on 2007-04-26 13:08:00

  • There are so many... but I\'d love to hear you talk about the intersection of noir and science fiction that is Dark City. :) To date myself, it\'s one of my longtime favorites. Thanks for giving my husband and I more fuel for the amateur movie critic discussions, as well as great classics to view! :)

    posted by: Trista on 2007-04-30 15:06:00

  • Robert Florey\'s \"The Crooked Way\" is is great. Similar to Joseph L. Mankiewicz\'s \"Somewhere in the Night\", \"The Crooked Way\" seems to me to be based more on the human condition than the wit that is both a strength and a weakness in \"Somewhere in the Night.\" a few times I found myself watching just to see Percy Helton\'s \"Petey\" his cat Samson’s tail. in a film where so many are chasing tale or tail, Petey at least knows there is something attached to the one he is after. so yeah I would like to hear you discuss Robert Florey\'s \"The Crooked Way\"

    posted by: rex on 2007-05-05 23:32:00

  • Thanks you guys for a very interesting dialogue about these classic films. I\'m glad you don\'t get too bogged down in theory, and it\'s obvious (and enjoyable) that you are fans of this genre/style whatever the hell noir is... What about the french movie, Le Samourai, with Alain Delon (I forget the director)? Have you seen it? If not, please watch it...1967 I think. I only saw it once, on TV, a few years back, and was entranced...I\'m looking for the DVD now. Thanks again.

    posted by: Andrew Cranney on 2007-04-22 05:59:00

  • Dear C&E. Its really tempting to make a long list of the movies it would be interesting to hear you discuss, many of which have been recommended by others already, but instead I shall restrict myself to just one vote: the 1948 movie of \\\"No Orchids for Miss Blandish\\\". There are two aspects in particular that I\\\'d like to hear your take on. (1) How this film has a modern sensibility towards violence, despite its being made in 1948. It was described at the time as a \\\"sickening exhibition of brutality, perversion, sex and sadism\\\" but is now available on DVD with a PG certificate, which here in the UK is just one level up from a Disney cartoon. The DVD cover quotes the trash-the-movie notices that the film received at the time (in fact it glories in them) because these are now points in its favour. (2) Any comment/speculation on why this very American story was filmed in Britain rather than in Hollywood? Thanks for all the good work.

    posted by: Jim Tate on 2007-04-23 16:03:00

  • Dear Clute & Edwards I\\\'ve been enjoying your podcasts. I would like to see a podcast about Night Moves. Thanks.

    posted by: Matt on 2007-03-18 04:33:00

  • How about doing SIN CITY. I was watching it again today and I don\\\'t think you can get more hard boiled.

    posted by: Walterneff on 2007-03-20 04:24:00

  • Please tell me you\'ll debrief \"Dark Passage\". Bogart, Bacall. I know that the critics didn\'t give much in terms of support of this film primarily stating that the script was \"far-fetched\" - but I think it at least deserves some recognition and if nothing else discussion worthy. For one - it\'s Bogart & Bacall (not their best work but still a B&B movie) Second: Agnes Moorehead. I wanted to see more of her in this story. I liked the movie - would LOVE to hear your thoughts.

    posted by: Jef with 1 F on 2007-03-23 03:11:00

  • Hello. I\'ve been hooked on your podcasts from the very first one and really thank you for giving me a reason to watch a lot of films that I might not otherwise. I look forward to your podcasts every month. One suggestion for a movie to do that I haven\'t seen mentioned is Bound. Having recently watched it, I could see a lot of parallels with some of the classic heist noir films. Thanks for the podcasts. -Fletch

    posted by: Fletch on 2007-03-04 20:43:00

  • Dear Clute & Edwards, A possible subject for a future podcast would be, \"Lonely Hearts\". I just saw the trailer and it is billing itself as a film noir. This is the first I`ve heard about it and I think it lends weight to your argument that a new cycle is beginning. It stars John Travolta and James Gandolfini as detectives on the trail of incubus and sucubus serial-killers Jared Leto and Salma (born to be a femme fatale) Hayak. Although it reminds me of \"Natural Born Killers\" it is apparantly based on a true story with the film being directed by the grandson of the character played by John Travolta. I think (pray) this ensemble will produce a better noir than the recent, \"Black Dahlia\" movie in which (IMHO) only Aaron Eckhart shone. I found Josh Hartnet wooden to the point af catalepsy, the usually good Hilary Swank was miscast and Scarlet Johansson was (at best) workmanlike. Regards, NHT

    posted by: N H Twine on 2007-03-17 05:07:00

  • Dear Mssrs Clute & Edwards, I would like to cast a vote for, \"Twilight\" (1998) which starred, Paul Newman, Susan Sarandon, Gene Hackman and James Garner. I saw it again recently after many years and (having been following your podcast series) saw much in it that I had missed before. Regards, NHT

    posted by: N H Twine on 2007-02-10 11:33:00

  • Great site. I would like to vote for: Croupier Taxi Driver (or any Scorsese) The Long Goodbye LA Confidential Thanks.

    posted by: matt on 2007-02-17 07:25:00

  • Forgot to mention Dark City. Thanks.

    posted by: matt on 2007-02-17 07:31:00

  • Dear Mssrs Clute & Edwards, Now that you`ve introduced as to NOIR and hooked us like caffeine junkies, how about setting up a forum where we can discuss these films and novels between ourselves as a community? A thread per movie/author perhaps? Who knows, if the community grows large enough we might even be able to persuade the studios to release more gems to a waiting audience?! Regards, NHT

    posted by: N H Twine on 2007-02-25 03:17:00

  • WOW what a great site. Thanks for providing this for all us Noir fans. I\'d like to put in my 2 cents for Pick up on South Street.

    posted by: Bill on 2007-02-02 20:33:00

  • A large number of the noirs I\\\'ve seen you\\\'ve done, but some I\\\'d like to see: L.A. Confidential Usual Suspects The Stranger Key Largo White Heat Big Combo Man With the Golden Arm Who Framed Roger Rabbit (It\\\'s an interesting little movie with lots of noir elements) Brick Fargo Miller\'s Crossing Blood Simple Strangers on a Train That should be sufficient for now.

    posted by: Tim Buttner on 2007-02-03 13:21:00

  • Hello, I can\'t tell you how much I appreciate your podcasts. Keep up the great work. I would like to see future episodes on some of these titles: Pick Up on South Street They Drive By Night Strangers on a Train Thanks!

    posted by: JComp on 2007-02-05 21:35:00

  • Great job on the show! Any chance you\'ll get around to I Wake Up Screaming? Perhaps you could do a two part episode examining the remake, Vicki, as well? Keep up the great work- can\'t wait till next month.

    posted by: adamdek on 2007-02-07 12:50:00

  • Great show. I\'m teaching noir for my 2nd time, but always loved the films. How about riffing on Cutters Way??!? It really is the neglected fin de siecle (?) 70\'s noir that deserves more attention.

    posted by: Jonathan Berman on 2007-01-29 06:58:00

  • how about giving a little background on the very early, or even pre-noir films in the greater context of noir as a whole. films like sternberg\\\'s \\\"Thunderbolt\\\" and \\\"Underworld,\\\" American gangster films (Public Enemy, Scarface, etc.) or even going back to the european roots; German Expressionist Film, Lang, Wiene, Murnau, etc. also great job on the podcast, every episode is enjoyable and informative

    posted by: Ed on 2007-01-03 17:16:00

  • I\'ve just listened to your Podcast on Black Dahlia for the third time. I find this Podcast especially fascinating, because it deals with something I call Faux Noir (I\'m not sure this is an official term in any way) - modern films that attempts to stage a film noir, but misses that film noir spirit completely. I felt something similar when I watched THE GOOD GERMAN, and I would love to hear your take on this film, which left me somewhat frustrated.

    posted by: David Bjerre on 2007-01-29 06:35:00

  • As a more mainstream movie fan, I\'d naturally chirp in for L.A. Confidential. At the very least, it\'s nice to throw us regular goobers a bone now and then. :-)

    posted by: Jason Sisk on 2006-11-29 08:35:00

  • Kiss Kiss Bang Bang The Brick Rear Window Wild At Heart

    posted by: Michelle on 2006-12-13 06:27:00

  • Overboiled adolescent wankery like SIN CITY I could live without, but KISS KISS BANG BANG and BRICK would make a swell double feature. And how about NIGHT MOVES? Or, for that matter, THE CONVERSATION? Or the Paul Newman/Ross Macdonald (or at least Macdonaldesque) trilogy of HARPER, THE DROWNING POOL and TWILIGHT? Or how about a look at criminally under-rated THE TWO JAKES, and why it might just be the best second act in film noir. And I\'ve always had a soft spot for THE DARK CORNER, an obscure little nugget (co-starring Lucille Ball, of all people)) that, with a slightly stronger lead, coulda been a contender.

    posted by: Kevin Burton Smith on 2006-12-18 12:44:00

  • how about tv shows? DEXTER!!!

    posted by: Michelle again on 2006-12-19 22:00:00

  • Fritz Lang\'s \"M\"! Also, how about a debate on why Casablanca has all the noir elements but is not considered a noir. It has the flashbacks and the femme fatal, but maybe it is the happy ending that takes it out of noir status. It looks like a noir to me.

    posted by: Wyatt Kopp on 2006-11-23 17:43:00

  • I really do like the film analisys and enjoy hearing the historcal perspective as well. I would love to hear your thoughts on the following films: Pickup on Street I Wake Up Screaming His Kind of Woman The Narrow Margin The Strange Love of Martha Ivers Big Clock Thank you for making these podcasts and keep up the good work!

    posted by: Laura on 2006-11-24 16:21:00

  • I would love to hear some podcasts on neo-noir films, particularly Sin City and Brick. A podcast comparing/contrasting these to classic noir films such as Out of the Past and The Maltese Falcon would be interesting.

    posted by: Gwame on 2006-11-28 15:41:00

  • How about a show dedicated to discussing the directorial work of Ida Lupino?

    posted by: Joe on 2006-10-22 09:39:00

  • I love your podcasts! Especially the ones dedicated to The Grifters and Good Night, and Good Luck. As for upcoming films I\'d like to see you guys tackle... My request would be for: L.A. Confidential Sweet Smell Of Success Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia Memento Point Blank The Usual Suspects Keep up the great work, guys!

    posted by: J.D. on 2006-10-27 15:06:00

  • Hi guys, Still really enjoying the show. Haven\'t yet heard the \'detour\' episode yet. that\'s one of my all time favourite films. I have particularly enjoyed your shows on Double Indemnity and The Lady from Shanghai. I assume that Touch of evil will crop up somehwere. It\'s a pleasure to hear the way in which you concentrate on the textures of the films rather than an over academic contextualisation. Noir, for me, is really a genre (or style, whatever) of textures and moods. Here are my suggestions for future shows, which may provide interesting points of conversation: The Big Combo Fallen Angels I Wake up Screaming Force of Evil The Strange Love of Martha Ivers The Dark Corner Pick Up on South Street Blast of Silence (has anyone else seen this tremendous movie?) Croupier Night Moves (i\'ve never really thought this was as great as everyone seems to think. Would love to hear your take on it)

    posted by: Paolo Cabrelli on 2006-11-02 05:03:00

  • Since i have opened my eyes to the world of noir (around last March), I have been an avid listener of the podcast. you guys do a great job, and I would just like to reccomend some films: Brick (this is the film that relly got me into noir) Le Samourai Pulp Fiction Memento Get Carter (the original with Michael Caine, not the remake) Keep up the good work!

    posted by: Domenic Padulo on 2006-10-02 21:46:00

  • Dear Sirs, For your consideration: 1) Devil In A Blue Dress. 2) LA Confidential // In A Lonely Place. 3) The Third Man. 4) Dead Reckoning. I`m also greatly enjoying your \"Behind The Black Mask\" series. The interview process makes for a less formal more relaxed and less academic atmosphere. It has already introduced me to two authors whose novels I will be seeking out. Many thanks for time and efforts, N. Twine.

    posted by: N Twine on 2006-10-18 01:48:00

  • Big Clock Big Heat Gilda * Key Largo Kiss Me Deadly * Lost Weekend M Mildred Pierce 99 River Street * Pickup on South Street Touch of Evil * * = higher priority (in my eyes)

    posted by: Cindy Ann Beattie on 2006-10-21 20:32:00

  • I think you\'re both doing a great job with the podcast and you both bring up a number of really interesting issues, some of which I had never even considered when watching film noir. Some film noirs I\'d like to hear a podcast on are: Touch of Evil (1958) Scarlet Street (1945) The Night of the Hunter (1955) L.A. Confidential (1997) Kiss Me Deadly (1955) Sweet Smell of Success (1957) The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) Gilda (1946) Mildred Pierce (1946) Night and the City (1950) Keep up the great work.

    posted by: Natalia on 2006-09-30 00:38:00

  • My number one vote would be my absolute favorite Hitchcock film, \'Strangers On A Train\'. Moreso then \'Shadow of A Doubt\' you have the classic \'Film Noir\' theme of an innocent caught up in a web trying to claw his way out. BTW, I just saw \'The Black Dahlia\' and I was really disappointed. I won\'t ruin it for others, but De Palma dropped the ball big time. I liked \'Hollywoodland\' much more. Keep up the fantastic work on my favorite podcast, bar none. Caio! P.S. I would like to also vote for \'L.A. Confidential\' in the neo field.

    posted by: Ray on 2006-09-30 20:11:00

  • I love your podcast and you\'ve inspired me to see new movies and have brought a new appreciation of old favorites. I would love for you to discuss Clash by Night and Mildred Pierce, both of which I notice have been suggested by other listeners.

    posted by: David Rosemeyer on 2006-10-02 13:53:00

  • Oh, I forgot to mention Pickup on South Street. not as good as Night and the City, but still worth a whirl.

    posted by: Kirk M on 2006-09-05 22:08:00

  • Suggestions for future podcasts: Kurosawa\'s \"The Bad Sleep Well.\" This is heavily influenced by the effects of World War II on Japan. Noir served up with a side of Hamlet. Altman\'s \"The Long Good-bye.\" Elliot Gould\'s performance as the hard-boiled noir detective in 1970\'s LA is both brilliant and hilarious. \"The Sweet Smell of Success.\" This has hard-boiled Hollywood columnists and press agents instead of gangsters and detectives. The direction, the cinematograpy, and the acting performances are stunningly good. Life in Hollywood has never seemed so cheap and tawdry. I\'ve always considered Sam Peckinpaugh as \"noir inspired,\" even when he made westerns. Please consider \"Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.\" Warren Oates is as ill-fated, doomed, and tired as any noir protagonist as I\'ve ever seen.

    posted by: scopejockey on 2006-09-06 10:04:00

  • Your podcasts are excellent. As you\'re counting votes, I\'d particularly love to hear your reactions to Detour and Kiss Me Deadly, but I\'ll take whatever comes. It\'s hard to disagree with anything from your other correspondents. I plan to chase down all their recommendations. But I particularly want to echo Dave C\'s suggestion of Frenzy. All of late Hitchcock is under-rated, I think, but Frenzy is the most hard done by. An overlooked masterpiece, surely. Scopejockey is also spot on with Sweet Smell of Success and Peckinpah.

    posted by: Kevin McGee on 2006-09-21 16:39:00

  • How about talking about \"Brick\"?

    posted by: DAVID HILL on 2006-09-23 22:43:00

  • I recently rewatched Nightmare Alley on DVD. I hadn\'t seen it in more than a decade and it more than held up. In fact, it\'s even better than I had recalled with particularly strong female roles (Joan Blondell in particular). Would love to see that addressed. I\'ll echo some other popular requests: Ride the Pink Horse The Long Good-Bye The Big Heat Criss Cross (underrated) I\'d also love to hear commentary on two of Barbara Stanwyck\'s domestic noirs from the fifties. These are little discussed but fascinating: Crime of Passion and Clash by Night. Jo Eisinger\'s contributions to noir are particularly overdue. Kurosawa\'s noir Melville\'s noir Noir and the French New Wave (Breathless, Shoot the Piano Player...) The End of Noir: Kiss Me Deadly, Touch of Evil, Point Blank A thematic discussion that addresses all the issues about Noir as Style vs. Noir as Genre, and the very important Noir as Cycle notion.

    posted by: DavidS on 2006-09-24 21:45:00

  • An interesting film to discuss would be \"Where\'s Marlowe?\" with Miguel Ferrer and Mos Def. It certainly presents a fairly unorthodox take on the traditional noir.

    posted by: Harry on 2006-08-25 14:12:00

  • They Live by Night Follow Me Quietly Clay Pigeon, The Murder by Contract Pitfall Woman Chaser, The Kill Her Gently I Wouldn\'t Be in Your Shoes Crime Wave Let No Man Write My Epitaph Hammett Girl in Room 43, The Decoy The Lost One Two Men In Manhattan Passion / Szenvedély

    posted by: Mike White on 2006-08-25 19:58:00

  • I really enjoy your show; it has prompted me to become a collector of film noir dvds. You guys are doing a terrific job of selecting movies, but here are some to consider: Ride a Pink Horse Kiss Me Deadly The Big Heat Touch of Evil Saboteur (maybe not a noir) LA Confidential is perhaps too obvious… Night and the City (!) Gilda Mildred Pierce The Strange Love of Martha Ivers Brazil (not a noir at all, I guess) There are many more, of course, but that\'s a start. One important suggestion, from someone who has listened to all of you podcasts: You need to revamp the ending of you show. It ends very abruptly, almost unexpectedly, and the music at the end is very jarring! I like the music itself(from The Strange Love of Martha Ivers, I think?), maybe it would be OK if it were at a lower volume. Keep up the great work!

    posted by: Kirk M on 2006-09-05 21:51:00

  • I really enjoy your programs. Thanks for doing such a great job. You have only deepened my fascination with all things noir. I second many of the films already suggested and would like to add these two to the mix: \"The French Connection\" with Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider, and the more recent \"Spartan\" with Val Kilmer.

    posted by: Harry on 2006-07-23 12:58:00

  • \"Miami Vice\" the movie

    posted by: Cindy Ann Beattie on 2006-07-29 23:06:00

  • Loved your Big Sleep/Big Lebowski comparison! I\'d like to request that you guys cover \'The Lady in the Lake\' directed by Robert Montgomery.

    posted by: adrien on 2006-08-16 18:52:00

  • I\'d love to hear your thoughts on Basic Instinct, as well as a comparison of The Big Clock and No Way Out.

    posted by: Tom on 2006-08-22 22:52:00

  • Just fiscovered your series today - loved The Big Sleep coupled to The Big Lebowski. I would love to hear you talk about a movie Fedora by Billy Wilder which has a kind of relationship with Sunset Boulevard. Other suggestions - Frenzy, Seven, The Usual Suspects, Point Blank, Ronin, One Night at McCool\'s, The Long Goodbye - Altman and Mitchum - and maybe The Limey. Although I don\'t think they are noir it would be interesting to know why Jackie Brown and Woody Allen\'s Crimes and Misdemeanours are out of the frame. Finally I would love to know how the French surrealists usage of the term \"noir\" turned into film noir and private eye movies All the best.

    posted by: Dave C on 2006-07-14 16:47:00

  • To echo a few of the suggestions above: I\'d be interested in hearing discussions of any of the following: Shadow of a Doubt, Memento, Ronin, Ride the Pink Horse, I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang, The Glass Key, L.A. Confidential, and I\'d be interested in hearing more thoughts on noir influences and themes in Asian film - Japanese and modern Hong Kong film in particular.

    posted by: Jenny on 2006-07-17 19:23:00

  • Whoops - hit the post button too soon. :) I almost forgot to include Fargo!

    posted by: Jenny on 2006-07-17 19:47:00

  • Suggestions: Kiss Me Deadly Ride the Pink Horse Detour Pickup on South Street Mullholland Dr. Dark City The Usual Suspects

    posted by: Keith Morgan on 2006-07-05 14:55:00

  • Suggestion: \"Where the Sidewalk Ends\" \"I Wake Up Screaming\" These two films have some of the best film noir imagery of any I\'ve seen!! I much prefer Dana Andrews in \"Where the Sidewalk Ends\" over the more famous \"Laura.\" You have already discussed other favorites: \"Out of the Past,\" \"Double Indemnity,\" and \"The Big Sleep.\" Others I\'d recommend after you\'ve completed the above two are \"Postman Always Rings Twice\" (Lana Turner version), \"Diabolique\" (French version), \"The Big Clock,\" \"The Blue Dahlia,\" and \"The Glass Key.\" The latter two need to be issued on DVD before any discussions with spoilers though.

    posted by: Colby on 2006-07-09 19:55:00

  • I love our podcast and I\'m trying to promote it to the brazilian readers of my cinema blog (but they are a big lazy). I have some suggestions of films that I would love to her the analysis: Detour, the Postamn Always rings twice, Touch of Evil, Strangers on a train and something of David Lynch. Thank you and keep up the great work!

    posted by: Bibi on 2006-07-11 18:46:00

  • I enjoy podcasts where newer films are compared to the classic Noir cycle. I would suggest any of the following: - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Brick - Fargo It would also be interesting to hear your take on the spoofing of Noir: - Dead Men Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t Wear Plaid Last but not least, I really enjoy hearing your take on the classics: - Nightmare Alley - Kiss of Death - Night and the City

    posted by: Ivar Knutsen on 2006-06-22 15:37:00

  • night moves, night moves, and night moves.

    posted by: mr chippy on 2006-06-22 18:44:00

  • Wages of Fear

    posted by: Jeffrey H. Simonson on 2006-06-22 22:33:00

  • Yes! I agree with Ivar - would love for you guys to do DEAD MEN DON\'T WEAR PLAID - It was one of the reasons I got turned on to noir in the first place as a teenager. The use of film clips and scene replicatiion was brilliant!

    posted by: Dave in DC on 2006-06-26 13:35:00

  • just discovered your show & really appreciate it. i returned recently from the palm springs noir fest where i was finally able to see Ace in the Hole. i hope you\'ll do a show on this unusual noir. i am mostly interested in the B pictures and/or more obscure noirs. would love to hear shows on Detour, Pitfall, Black Angel, and the like. Also would like shows on particular noir actors, cinematographers, directors, as well as guests to your show like Eddie Muller. thanks again!

    posted by: david K. on 2006-06-15 12:30:00

  • I found your podcasts a few months back. I completed listening to all of them. I have been a fan since seeing Sunset Blvd as a teenager on Public TV. I would love to hear you comment on any of Billy Wilder, Hitchcock, Ida Lupino directed or Edgar Ulmer film. My husband favorite noir is Detour, because it is so hopeless. I like Tension, Shadow of a Doubt and Pickup on South Street. BTW, thanks for doing Laura, my all time favorite. I love Vincent Price described as \"a male beauty in distress\". Keep up the good work! See you in September.

    posted by: Shannon in Dark Corner on 2006-06-15 14:15:00

  • I\'d like to suggest discussing the French 1962 crime thriller \"Le Doulos\" aka \"The Finger Man\" by renowned director Jean-Pierre Melville. While the movie is French and it is post-Touch Of Evil I find it to be as noir as it gets. If you just look at the opening credits sequence in which Jean-Paul Belmondo comes out of the shadows walking under a bridge it is pure noir. It has ample tough-guy dialogue and presents a very cynical outlook on life: \"One must choose. Die… or lie?\" Both in terms of themes and in terms of cinematography it is much darker than Rififi which you recently discussed. It is available on R2 DVD.

    posted by: db on 2006-06-18 15:35:00

  • Touchez pas au grisbi, please.

    posted by: bord on 2006-06-21 12:47:00

  • I discovered your podcast just a few days ago and I love it! Thanks and keep podcasting.

    posted by: martha on 2006-04-22 20:08:00

  • I continue to enjoy the podcast, and I\'ve heard almost every episode. I wonder if you guys might consider Kasdan\'s \"Body Heat\"? The parallels with \"Double Indemnity\" seem too obvious even to mention, but I\'ve always found \"Body Heat\" quite distinctive.

    posted by: Dale on 2006-06-06 01:25:00

  • I have been using these great podcasts as a study guide to my film noir collection. I normally listen to the podcast both before and after viewing the film. Yet I am missing a synchronized way to listen during the film. Your description of the opening scene of Gun Crazy almost worked in situ, but the commentary was a bit faster than the scene. Some DVDs, like Gun Crazy, have commentary tracks already, but others do not. Have you considered a synchronized commentary, or some other method for listeners to also watch?

    posted by: Jeffrey H. Simonson on 2006-03-02 15:09:00

  • I really appreciate all the work that goes into this. On the internet there is general lack of all things scholarly when it comes to pre-70s film. This podcast is singular in its excellence. I wonder if you guys have considered doing a show on Night of the Hunter. Again, not fully a noir but perhaps valiant stab at post-war America trying to remember its pre-war past. Thanks again.

    posted by: bord on 2006-03-20 12:43:00

  • I\'ve listened to all the episodes and they\'re all really awesome. I have a question though, do you guys accept suggestions of films to talk about?

    posted by: Edward on 2006-04-06 06:22:00

  • Love the installments so far. It really makes my commute go by faster. Unlike some DVD buyers, I live for the extras, in particularly the commentary tracks, when given by the right person(s). Listening to you both gives me the same satisfaction. It is the closest that I will probably come to taking a film course. NOIR is my favorite. Would love to hear you guys discuss \"Shadow of a Doubt\", Chinatown\" (my fav) and \"Mildred Pierce\"

    posted by: Dave in DC on 2006-02-22 15:55:00

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