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Video Podcast
Episode 48: In a Lonely Place (with Megan Abbott) Clute and Edwards welcome guest investigator Megan Abbott , the reigning Dark Dame of Noir. Megan is the author of a superb nonfiction study of hardboiled and noir protagonists entitled THE STREET WAS MINE, and three gut-wrenching throwback crime novels: DIE A LITTLE, THE SONG IS YOU, and QUEENPIN. The first title is scheduled to be released as a United Artists feature film in 2010, with Jessica Biel in the lead role. Megan's choice for this episode is the 1950 Nicholas Ray film IN A LONELY PLACE, starring Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame. To learn more about Megan's work, visit This podcast is brought to you by Clute and Edwards, of To leave a comment on this episode, or make a donation to the podcast, please visit Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir at
Direct download: OOTP_2008_12_25_IALP.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:12am EST

  • Hi! Clute and Edward, \"Click on the PayPal button below to make a \"one-time\" donation to this podcast. Thanks for your generosity.\" The above quote is not written in \"cement\" is it? Just Kidding!...Translation...A Donation to your podcast isn\'t a one time deal? hmmm... Take Care! DeeDee (aka Dcd)

    posted by: DeeDee (aka Dcd) on 2009-03-17 00:51:00

  • Ah, here we are in April 2009, and alas, no new OOTP. No insightful, thought-provoking, behind- the-scenes expose commentaries, for four empty,hope-stifling months. I realize that Mssrs. Clute and Edwards have personal lives and real jobs, but is it fair to hook us on your top quality, never to be equaled product, then disappear like the morning mist? With bated breath, I await your next appearance.

    posted by: writecraig on 2009-04-05 23:50:00

  • I\'d love it if you all reviewed my neo noir, Kill, My Lovely. You can check out the trailer at my website:,_My_Lovely.html It\'s a love story about a cop that falls in love with a murder suspect.

    posted by: Justin on 2009-04-15 18:09:00

  • Good to see you are back. I missed the podcast during these months. I´ve seen this film twice, the last time this past weekend so I´m looking forward to hear your comments . I.M.O this is one of Bogart finest , his acting is far beyong the tipicl cliche and his performance its up to the par to other of his greates films like Key Largo or The Big Sleep. The film itself it´s not that good but its a great film nevertheless

    posted by: Cantrell on 2009-02-24 15:42:00

  • Hi! Clute and Edward, \"F\" is for Finally!...I finally, listened to author Megan Abbott,(You and Clute, but of course!) on your podcast discuss director Nick Ray\'s \"In A Lonely Place.\" And I agree with you, author Megan Abbott \"Is the reigning Dark \"City\" Dame of Noir.\" After listening to Miss (Megan) Abbott,take on \"In A Lonely Place\" (I also read her (Miss Abbott) \"take\" on films in author Eddie Muller\'s Noir City Sentinel and of course, her books...) I have now relinquish \"me\" crown!...I am now just known as...DeeDee! Take Care! DeeDee

    posted by: DeeDee (aka Dcd) on 2009-03-17 00:32:00

  • Thanks for providing another fine piece of work with the long-awaited In A Lonely Place. I, as so many others, do hope you two will find the time and energy to resume more regular offerings. I enjoy your new Yaddocast but my heart belongs to Out of the Past. I just watched Strange Love of Martha Ivers (again) yesterday and was reminded of the brilliant insights and observations you gave us in that episode of OOTP (#34). Well, I guess I\'ll go listen to it again while waiting for your next installment. (Hope it isn\'t another five months). Thanks again for all your effors: I truly believe you are educating a much larger audience than you may realize. Feliz Ano Nuevo!

    posted by: Cyne Aste on 2009-01-21 08:38:00

  • Just found you via THE RESTLESS KIND. Smashing. I used to call myself Dixon Steel once upon a time until someone said it sounded like a porn star name! A great film!

    posted by: paul brazill on 2009-02-19 10:42:00

  • Hi! Clute and Edwards, \"F\" is for finally!...I must admit that I have been waiting and waiting... (I am quite sure that what she (author Megan Abbott) have to say about author Eddie Muller\'s favorite film (According to his favorite top 25 film noir picks on his website.) will have been well worth the wait!...I didn\'t mind waiting of course! since I check out your podcast \"Clute and Edward\" every day!) P.S.I haven\'t listen to what she had to say yet, but I will most definitely, be back this evening in order to hear author Megan Abbott, take on \"The Czar of Film Noir\" No#1 pick! \"In A Lonely Place.\" (I think this is \"still\" his favorite film?!?...I am not 100% sure!) ... to hear author Megan Abbott on your podcast! Btw, I am in process of purchasing all her books in order to introduce her \"books\" to my book shelves and nightstand! haha! As always, Thanks! C & E \"The Dame\" (Hey! Edwards, \"new\" name, but I am still a \"Noiraholic\"....hick up!)

    posted by: darkcitydame \"The Dame\" on 2009-01-01 14:30:00

  • Oops! I am so sorry!...I almost forgot to wish you and Clute a very Happy New Year!...\"Happy New Year!\" Clute & Edwards (and to all the good people that assist you with your \"wonderful\" podcast and the listeners that tune in to your podcast! \"Out of the Past\"...That would be me!)...Here\'s looking at very successful \"noirish\" podcast offering(s) from you both in 2009! Tks, DarkCityDame

    posted by: darkcitydame \"The Dame\" on 2009-01-01 15:37:00

  • OOTP is back at last! It has been too long between episodes; all the comments on the frontpage masthead are not hyperbole. This is indeed one of the best podcasts available, regardless of topic. Megan\'s intro to the discussion of In A Lonely Place was astounding; you may want to make her part of the team. Thanks for all your hard work-

    posted by: writecraig on 2009-01-14 23:48:00

  • Guys, great job as always. We\'re discussing it here:

    posted by: Steve-O on 2008-12-27 18:06:00

  • Your podcast was amazing, it was totally worth the wait. You talked about things I\'d never even noticed before, especially the change from the darkness of the 1940s to the more nuclear family of 1950s. Thanks so much for tackling my absolute favorite film noir. To add to the decor, it\'s pretty amusing to see that among Laurel\'s brick-a-brack, there is a famous Diego Rivera painting (The Flower Picker), which gives it two meanings: one, it\'s a nod to Nicholas Ray\'s brief Communist affiliations, and two, it symbolizes the film of a man struggling under the weight of his own demons--a woman tries to help lift the weight of his flaws, but it\'s ultimately futile. I find it fascinating the way Ray uses voyeurism a full half decade before Hitchcock\'s REAR WINDOW; Dix\'s wavering eye towards Laurel Gray\'s balcony is reminiscent to L.B. Jeffries\' obsession with his neighbors and especially the murderous Thorwald across the patio. However, possibly because of the film\'s small budget or because Ray wanted to emphasize Dix\'s self-contained loneliness, we never see Dix\'s other neighbors. IN A LONELY PLACE has a plot comparable to Hitchcock\'s flawed (and to me, second-tier) suspense film SUSPICION (both films ironically had hastily improvised, re-shot endings, but Ray\'s ending is perfect where Hitchcock\'s feels pasted), yet it has the emotional core and human characters of Hitchcock\'s best films like NOTORIOUS and VERTIGO. It\'s a true masterpiece.

    posted by: Scarlet on 2008-12-27 21:46:00

  • A great episode, and great to have a new one finally. I hope you guys find a way to fit more frequent new episodes into your schedule. I thought Megan did a wonderful job, so if adding her as a permanent \"cast member\" is an option that would would reduce the workload on Clute & Edwards --and allow for more frequent new episodes -- I\'d be 100% in favor of that.

    posted by: Karl on 2008-12-28 15:13:00

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